Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sisterly love....

What is written below has but one purpose. To be able to re-read this entry at a later date and laugh!! For there was little laughter when Steve and I walked in on the following scene.....

Steve and I were busy preparing some supper and cleaning the bathroom while the girls entertained themselves. We heard a cry of distress coming from the office where Eliza and Chloe were "playing". Upon entering the room we found Eliza pinned to the back fo the chair cushion by her loving sister. In Chloe's hand was a staple remover (which she must have retrieved ever so quietly from the back of the desk drawer....totally forgot it even existed). We were able to grab the before mentioned weapon out of Chloe's hand within seconds of her attempt to make contact with Eliza's cubby little arm.

For reference...Chloe: alomost three.....Eliza: 15 months.........ayaeyae!!!!

A conversation with Daddy.....

Chloe: "daddy, you have to stay here all the time."
Steve: "Why?"
Chloe: " because I love you."

It's momments like these when having kids makes so much sense and all those times you wondered if you could have lived a life without the everyday hassels of raising children get squashed. There is no way life would be so good if we only had ourselves to look at.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Our first entry....

What to say for a first post???? This blog was inspired by that of our friends, The Bye's, who have done a fantastic job recording lifes daily joys and jumbles of living with young kiddlets. I can only hope this site will be as enjoyable to read as theirs.


Erin, Steve, Chloe, and Eliza.