Monday, January 15, 2007

Christmas 2006

We were lucky enough to have the company of Evan and Cathy this year for Christmas. It was great to see them although I'm not sure the sentiment is returned seeing that we sent them on their way with a few cold viruses. The girls enjoyed the excitement of knowing that there was a cat in the house (Cathy and Evan's 'Stu') even though he hid in the basement for most of their waking hours!!

On Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Barb and Uncle Al's house for a MacDonald family gathering. Prior to doing so we meet up with Laura, Steve's cousin, and her family at Barb and Al's church for a twist on Christmas Eve mass. All the children attending were ushered into a room where they could choose to be a character in the Nativity Scene. Chloe chose to be an angel. All in there were about 20 angels, 15 wise men, 4 Mary's, 5 Joseph's, 10 cows, 6 donkeys, 10 sheep, 7 stars, and 8 gifts. Chloe enjoyed it and Eliza busied herself with the hymn books in front of our seats!

Christmas morning was full of excitement, the best part being when Chloe noticed the empty plate and glass she left for Santa! Once Eliza found the yogurt covered raisins at the top of her stocking little mattered.

Breakfast was SWEEEET with cinnamon buns and fresh fruit....just preparing our palates for the chocolate that was too come when we cracked open the stocking loot (Quality Street, Whoppers, know what I'm talking about).

Friday, January 05, 2007

The rare and endangered butt naked ladybug....

While doing some field work for my latest research proposal I came across one of the northern hemispheres most rare and endangered insects, the Butt Naked Ladybug. Luckily this amazing creature gave me a small glimpse into its daily activities. I quickly noted that this specimen revelled in its nakedness as if flaunting it in front of the other insects, it was not shy to say the least. I did however notice the large girth around the mid section causing me to speculate that this particular Butt Naked Ladybug might be entering the late stages of pregnancy. There must be a least 20 million Butt Naked Ladybug fetuses in there if not more! I guess that other possibility is this poor insect suffers from the late stages of alcoholism. I will continue to monitor the situation and let you know as interesting events unfold.

Professor Kelly

The Red Dress

Many of you have found out that my Mom has kept much memorabilia from my childhood.....first pair of shoes, brownie uniform, swiming towel with badges, dolls, etc...etc...etc... She also kept many clothes that were either made by a relative or considered to be well made. One outfit in particular has stood the test of time and we have managed to squeeze both Eliza and Chloe into its seams....the red dress. I only wish I had a digital copy of a picture of myself in this dress and the blog entry would be complete!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

So what do you want to be for Halloween Chloe??

About 3 weeks before Halloween I was buying some clothes for the girls at a local second hand shop when I came across a Circus Bear costume that I knew would fit Chloe. I got it home and she proceeded to wear it for the next two weeks. In the beginning she was uber excited that this would be her Halloween costume. Time is still a mistery to Chloe and when is was becoming apparent that Halloween was not soon, as in 'tomorrow', she tired of the Circus Bear and began to place costume requests that were simply for too demanding!! We had to act quickly. With one week remaining before Halloween Steve strategically hid the Circus Bear. Out of sight out of mind. On Halloween day it reappeared magically and enthusiasm was once again restored!!! Another disaster averted.

Poor Eliza got stuck with Chloe's costume from last year. I'm affraid it is a pattern that will be repeated until she gains the ability to firmly stand her ground and state her opinion. From the limited exposure we have had with 'Eliza tantrums' something tells me that's not too far off.

Weekend with the Byes, Oct 2006

The weekend that Tanya, Chris, Joely, and Lucy came to stay with us Steve took the opportunity to do a photo shoot. Many great pictures were taken and this is just a sample of the loveliness Steve had to work with. It's one for the wall.