Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Are some of us just innately tidy?

This seems like a very odd picture to post, but it needs to be documented. One day while cleaning up after supper Eliza decided to explore the plastic bag/wrap drawer. She emptied most of its contents on the floor and explored the 'ins and outs' of these somewhat disposable carriers. Steve and I were busy cleaning the dishes and each of us was prepared to guide Eliza through the steps of putting the bags away after she was done playing.

We should have know better. Ever since we can remember Eliza has always keep her things tidy. Books gets put away, doors closed, toys returned to the toy box, etc. Before we had realized it Eliza had returned all the plastic bags to the drawer and closed it shut without us having to mention a thing. Chloe on the other hand....we'll she's very different from her sister!

That which we call a box, by any other name, would still be as fun.....

Our neighbors down the road were the gleeful recipients of a new washer and dryer this winter. Luckily we were the equally gleeful recipients of the boxes that those appliances came in. For most of the winter our living room was occupied by a large 'playhouse'. The interior was designed by Chloe and Eliza, while the outside was constructed/altered by our in-house architect, Steve!

Steve cut two head sized 'port-holes' in the ceiling to give Chloe and Eliza a skylight, but luckily they also served as air vents for we have come to learn that a family of four inside a box for 45 minutes generates enough heat to help alleviate global warming.

I love this one of Chloe inside the box. She looks like Gandolf in Frodo's cottage " The ring...where's the ring!!!" For those who may be interested in the particulars of this lovely 3 bedroom 'box' house it comes complete with a fireplace that you can sit IN, a pet mouse that eats crumbs, a peak-a-boo window on the east wall, separate staircases leading up to each bedroom, and a replication of Michelangelo's famous work 'The iconic image of the Hand of God giving life to Adam' on the ceiling. House hunters...don't pass this gem up!

Even Uncle Evan dropped by for a spot of tea....obviously seen here taking full advantage of the porthole/air vent.

And of course Eliza got as much enjoyment out of this box as anyone!

Jellicle Cats

We all know kids go through certain phases. Most often these phases come and go and aren't always worth mentioning because, no doubt when you do,the phase will have ended and you're child will be onto something new. Well, for about 3 months now Chloe has been uber interested in Cats. Notice I did not write cats, but CATS. Cats, the musical has been playing at our house non stop. Steve and I are in a bit of a tight spot, although we are very glad her infatuation isn't with 'Barney the Singing Dinosaur' we are a bit tired of hearing "Jellicle cats" played over and over again on our music system.

And don't think this infatuation stops with the music alone. Chloe has persuaded me to paint her face on a number of occasions like the cats in the musical. Which cat she would like to be depends on what part she would like to play in her on-going dance reproduction. Below I've posted some of my handy work. Notice the first two pics were early in my face painting career. I was unaware of the proper shading techniques required to replicate the face of a feline. The last pic is some of my better work, however one must always remember when viewing these pieces that the model rarely remains still during a sitting which would throw any serious painter off balance.