Monday, April 02, 2007

2 weeks away and the boy will play

In February I took the girls to Nova Scotia for two weeks while Steve had the house to himself. He managed to treat himself to a trip to Amsterdam (somewhat work related) for a few days. He enjoyed his time there and visited with Graham Eisenhauer, a mutual friend from Lunenburg, who is working in Holland for the next year. While there Steve took in the sites and marvelled at the little things that make life different from what we know it to be. As you probably already know the Dutch are big fans of cycling as an everyday mode of transportation. Steve passed by this contraption that looked as if it accommodated an adult and three kids (seat on the handle bars, seat on the back wheel, and a separate bike for the oldest child).

Must consider this as an option when baby number three is old enough to wear a helmet! Oh yeah, Steve also mentioned that bike helmets are nowhere to be found in Amsterdam!

Luckily Steve was thinking of his girls while away and brought back each a pair of clogs to add to their dress-up box. It took them the better part of a morning to master walking in them as they were a bit slippery on the hardwood floor. They've been a hit ever since.

Finally, to cap off Steve's bachelor vacation he moved his motorbike into the living room for the (early) spring tune-up and hosted a boys night which consisted of beer, BBQ'ed ribs, and gaming. By all reports everyone had a great time.